Extend your possibilities

The Class-rating Single Engine Piston (Land) is aimed at holder of a class-rating for Touring Motor Glider (TMG) who is interested in flying single-engine powered aeroplane with

  • a higher payload
  • more than two passengers
  • a wider range of equipment (e.g. Autopilot)
  • better performance and
  • higher level of comfort.

The Single Engine Piston (Land) class is the class most pilots first encounter during their PPL training. But there are also pilots who have not flown SEP during their PPL training, but have learned to fly on a TMG class aircraft. These pilots can extend their ratings with the SEP class rating.

An active SEP class rating is also a prerequisite for IR or flight instructor training.

To train the holder of a LAPL(A), PPL(A), CPL(A) or ATPL(A) to fly

  • as Pilot in Command (PIC)
  • on non-commercial flights
  • under Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
  • on single-engine piston aeroplanes (Land)

Before commencing this module, you must hold a current LAPL(A) or PPL(A) or CPL(A) or ATPL(A).

  • 7 hours Theory (Classroom)
  • 4 hours Flight Training including 10 hours Solo Landings

See Timeline CR SEP(LAND) [link to PDF]

See Costs CR SEP(LAND) [link to PDF]